Course Information Needed:
1. Code - New course codes, see point of contact for assignment.
2. Course Title - The title will appear on all academic records, max 45 characters.
3. Course Type - ex. Lecture/Lab, Clinical, Comp.
4. Hours/Credits - This is set up at the course level and cannot be different by program.
5. Prerequisites/Corequisites - Course codes needed. Prerequisites and corequisites are set up at the course level and cannot be different by program.
6. Campuses - What campuses will the course be offered?
7. Billing Information - Tuition and rate for courses.
8. What program(s) will the course be offered in?
9. Is the course an Elective or a Core Course (replacing another Core Course)?
10. Provide an updated program curriculum (including all core and elective courses).
Lead Time:
Course requests should be submitted with a minimum 8 week lead time. If the new course, or update to a course, requires an update to the current program, request requires a 12 week lead time prior to the next term registration start date. Please submit requests via ticketing system. Spreadsheet available for New Course Request to assist with information needed.